A study published in the journal of pharmaceutical and scientific innovation recommends ginger (zingiber officinale) for treatment of sore throat even as studies indicate that it possesses numerous biological activities including antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger has also been used in treatment of gastric ulcers and acts by chelating Helicobactor pylori. The Ugandan researchers concluded: "The results of this study indicate that ginger is a potential source of a sore throat remedy, which validates its continued traditional use for this purpose in the community. Further fractionation of the extracts could lead to isolation of active constituents that may serve as leads for the development of new pharmaceuticals against streptococcal pharyngitis." Another study found that when ginger extract was applied to throat swabs from people with bacterial respiratory tract infections, it helped kill some of the bacteria responsible for the illness. In one study, researchers used computer modeling to find out if ginger could prevent influenza infection - particularly the H1N1 strin that causes swine flu. The team found that the active ingredient in ginger prevents the virus from infecting human cells.
Natural health practitioners suggest gargling with a mixture of water, salt and turmeric (curcuma longa) powder. A review of pharmacological activies of turmeric (curcuma longa) published in journal of traditional medicine & clinical naturopathy indicates that the fresh juice of rhizome is given in bronchitis. In rhinitis and cough boil turmeric (Haridra) in milk and mixed with jiggery given internally. in catarrhal cough, sore thrat, and throat infection the decoction of rhizome is used for gargle and also the piece of rhizome is slightly burnt and given for chewing. The chemical constituent of curcuma longa like tumerones, curcuminoids, curcumin and teterhydrocurcumin has an anti-asthmatic action.
Honey mixed in tea or taken on its own is a common household remedy for a sore throat. One study found that honey was even more effective at taming nighttime coughs that honey is an effective wound healer, which means it may help speed healing for sore throats. According to the Mayo clinic, mixing honey and lemon with water for a sore throat is a time-tested remedy. Honey can help to coat the throat, and lemon can help reduce mucus. For best results, boil the water first as if making a cup of tea. Than add the honey and lemon to taste and let the water cool as they dissolve. Drink the mixture when it is still slightly warm to help relax the throat muscles or drink it cold if feeling warm because of a fever. Because this mixsary to repeat it throughout the day.
Bitter kola
Garcinia kola has been shown to be effective in soothing fever, sore throat, congestions and symptoms of cold and cough. Thee anti-bacterial properties of the plant help in relieving from worsening of such general but irksome problems.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many natural antibacterial uses. Numerous studies show its antimicrobial effects in fighting infections. Because of its acidic nature, it can be used to help break down mucus in the throat and stop bacteria from spreading.
Garlic also has natural antibacterial properties. It contains allicin, an organosulper compound known for it's ability to fight off infections.
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