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Thursday, June 21, 2018


This as been one of the major reasons many home as scattered  because of infertility many mothers did not know they are the cause of the infertility in their sons or daughters life because of they are ignorant of what may be the cause
         Pregnant woman who take painkillers are likely to be harming the fertility of their unborn sons as well as their daughters,researchers have warned.scientist have previously said ibuprofen and paracetamol reduce the number of cells that would eventually become ovaries .                                       BUT now British team has discovered they have the same effect on cells that would later produce sperm on in boys. painkillers may also affect the fertility of the future generations by triggering changes in deoxy nucleic acid [DNA]/genetic materials structure, which can be inherited,the research found.
         THE findings add to the growing body of evidence that pregnant woman should wary of taking painkillers.it is also published in the journal environmental health perspectives, back up previous research.current guideline state they should avoid IBUPROFEN-due to its link with a range of complications. they can take paracetamol, but it ideally at the lowest possible dose for the shortest duration.
    IN the latest study Edinburgh scientist looked at the effects of paracetamol and ibuprofen on foetal samples of the testes and the ovaries. they found that after one weeks of being exposed to paracetamol, the number of egg-producing cells was reduced by 40%. while the effect of ibuprofen was even greater and the egg-producing cell was almost half.

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